At 16:50 16/01/2002 -0600, Gary McClellan wrote:
>On Wed, 16 Jan 2002 16:42:33 -0500, Jon Carnes wrote:
> >some effects of mm_cfg are immediate, but the parts that act as defaults to
> >the list are incorporated into the list when it is created.  You will have
> >to change already created lists individually.  You can do this via the
> >command line or via the web-admin.
> >
> >Check out the archives for some very clever way of making mass changes via
> >the command line - might even be in the FAQ (if not it should be!).
> >
> >Jon Carnes
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: "Gary McClellan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 3:04 PM
> >Subject: [Mailman-Users] Effect of changes
> >
> >
> >> When do the changes take place? I set up several lists, then
> >> modified to increase the number of people displayed in
> >Membership
> >> Management from 30 to 300. That change did not seem to take. I then
> >created
> >> some additional lists and the change shows up in the new lists but not in
> >the
> >> old lists.
> >>
> >> How can I make that change apply to 'older' lists?
>I checked the config-list comamnds (did a -o to see what it contained) and
>the web-admin interface; none of these show the people displayed as a
>Any other ideas?

I'm surprised a solution to this hasn't been posted before but I cannot 
spare the time to search for it.

Looking at the code for MM 2.0.8, the handling of 
setting of the MailList instance variable admin_member_chunksize is unlike 
other such instance variables; the variable is not presented for 
modification in the admin web GUI and doesn't appear in the output from 
config_list. You should be able to use $prefix/bin/withlist to set 
admin_member_chunksize. For example I did the following and it appeared to 
work OK:

1. created file called containing:

def chunky(mlist, howmany):
     mlist.admin_member_chunksize = howmany

2. ran $prefix/bin/withlist to change members per page to 10 from 30 as 
follows and got results shown:

[barrett@mailman mailman]$ bin/withlist -l -r chunky rbtest 10
Loading list: rbtest (locked)
Importing chunky ...
Running chunky.chunky() ...
Unlocking (but not saving) list: rbtest

Hope this helps but be careful using withlist; you can make a mess of 
things quite easily I suspect.

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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