--On Friday, March 29, 2002 9:30 PM -0500 Ron Jarrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> In 2.1 you can go into mm_cfg.py and break RFC2369 compliance by setting
> ALLOW_RFC2369_OVERRIDES to 1.   That'll enable a policy at your site that
> list owners can turn it off, which will cause the cgi scripts to display
> that as an option for them.

Quite the contrary, RFC2369 says

        Implementing these fields will be optional.

Therefore, by adding a manager's option for those headers instead of trying 
to force them on everyone, Mailman 2.1 has finally been brought into 
RFC2369 compliance.  Thanks for the reminder on this environment variable, 
I hadn't reviewed that part of the 2.1 config yet.  My patch works under 
2.0.8 and similar versions.

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