At 17:40 01/04/2002 +0200, Jonas Meurer wrote:
>I'm running self-compiled mailman-2.0.8. (/home/mailman/mailman-2.0.8).
>Now I want to install the patch for htdig.
>but which patch is the right for 2.0.8. And then? Simply copying it to
>~/mailman-2.0.8 and type 'patch -p1 patchfile' doesn't make anything.
>If I look at the patchfile it looks like run one dir over mailman-2.0.8.
>And there are two src-dirs. mailman-2.0.8-index and mailman-2.0.8-htdig.
>Isn't there a step-by-step doc what to do? Or do I have to patch manually?

The information at source forge and in the patches says you need to apply 
both of these patches 444879 and then 444884, in that order, to your 
mailman build directory i.e.:

and from 444879 you need file: indexing-2.0.6.patch

and from 444884 you need file: htdig-2.0.8-0.1.patch

Assuming these two files are in the directory above your Mailman build 
directory then from INSIDE your Mailman build directory type the commands:

   patch -p1 < indexing-2.0.6.patch
   patch -p1 < htdig-2.0.8-0.1.patch

Then read the file INSTALL.htdig-mm which the second patch should have 
installed in your Mailman build directory and goes into a lot of boring detail.

After installing the patches you have to run ./configure and make install 
to get the integration applied to your running Mailman install directory..

>  Jonas

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