On 4/8/02 9:59 AM, "Dave Sherohman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> OK, I'll give you that List-Post: isn't applicable to your list.

And I believe in 2.1, mailman won't include headers that aren't relevant to
a list, so an announce-only list won't get list-post. Barry? Is that true? I
know we talked about it.

> And I guess it might be a little silly to include subscription
> instructions (the List-Subscribe: header) on messages that only get
> sent to people who are already subscribed to the list.

Not at all. Messages get forwarded around A LOT. So the list-subscribe is
there so that the person who gets the message from a friend of a friend who
saw it on a mail list has a chance of figuring out how to get onto the list.

> List-Archive:, like List-Post:, seems like Mailman could determine

Again, I think that's a 2.1 thing.

Chuq Von Rospach, Architech
[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- http://www.chuqui.com/

IMHO: Jargon. Acronym for In My Humble Opinion. Used to flag as an opinion
something that is clearly from context an opinion to everyone except the
mentally dense. Opinions flagged by IMHO are actually rarely humble. IMHO.
    (source: third unabridged dictionary of chuqui-isms).

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