
My Mailman installation (v2.0.9) is taking a very long time to send out mails,
and on some lists doesn't appear to be sending out mail at all.

The problem started shortly after a big, but rarely used, 9300 member list was
added to Mailman.  The list admin writes:


i've been trying to post to the new mpac_1 all day but nothing.

basically i sent an email @ 11am this morning and resent it again at 3pm and it
STILL hasn't shown up on the moderate screen (now 11:30pm).


Previously, a couple of days back, the admin sent an e-mail to the list and it
took 12 hours to turn up on the moderate screen.

Any ideas on what could be causing the problem?

Baba the Cat
PGP key at: www.ummah.com/pgpkeys
"I have studied many philosophers and many cats. The wisdom of cats is
infinitely superior." - Hippolyte Taine

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