>>>>> "S" == Spam  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    S> First, I have to say that 2.1b1 is a beautiful thing! It does
    S> all things I've always thought Mailman should. :)


    S> I need help though. When subscribing new members to a list that
    S> uses topic filters, I want the default to be that people
    S> receive only those messages that have a topic and that they not
    S> receive the rest. Right now, the default is that they not
    S> receive any of the topics and not receive any of the
    S> non-topics, meaning they get nothing at all!

Ah, this is because by default, no user is subscribed to a topic, and
there's no way for the admin to auto-subscribe users to a topic.  To
further complicate things, the default is for users to not receive
messages that match no topics.

I've re-examined the topic stuff and I'm not entirely sure that we've
got the semantics right for the defaults.  Would it help if, by
default, a user were to receive all messages that don't match a topic?


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