At 11:28 AM 5/10/02 -0400, Webmaster wrote:
>I did this:
>[micheal@blinkin mail]$ /bin/bash ./configure
>: command not found
>: command not found
>: command not found
>: command not found
>: command not found
>: command not found
>'/configure: syntax error near unexpected token `do
>'/configure: ./configure: line 77: `do
>Weird, huh? I am not trying to install a beta release either. No changes to

No, not particularly weird, given that you just forcefed a sh script to bash.

Had you done "/bin/sh ./configure" it should have worked.  That's why we kept telling
you to check the #! at the top of the file.  The script should be run with the 
listed there, and if that path is wrong (like for some stupid reason your host moved
/bin/sh somewhere else) then running it as "./configure" won't work.

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