On Thu, May 16, 2002 at 03:13:11AM -0400, AerosmithFanClub.com List Admin wrote:
> 1) I am running in a shared environment.  When I send LISTS to the 
> listname-request address I get a listing of all lists on the server and NOT 
> just the one(s) for that domain.  My domain should not be allowed to 
> advertise other webmasters' lets.  In fact I DON'T WANT TO advertise other 
> lists from my domain.  Can this be patched somehow?

Everything can be patched, but mailman 2.0 doesn't handle virtual domains
too well.
mailman 2.1 is better in that respect, although you may still have to patch
it a bit to do what you want (check first)
> 2) Why is it that I have to send a request to listname-request to get a 
> listing of the mailing lists at a domain.  What if I don't know the name of 
> ANY lists at the domain?  Shouldn't I (if i can I have not figured out how 
> to do it) be able to send something to a master mailman address and get the 
> lists?  Seems pretty logical to me.  I am old and slow so maybe I missed 
> this one.

Because people don't use mailman that way (eh, you must be used to me saying
this by now).
1) Mailman was meant to  be used primarily over the web, so  you can get the
   list of lists there
2) You are usually pointed to a list and start with that one
3) Do you Email majordomo@randomhosts and ask for the list of lists?
   I don't...
4) most mailman 2.1 install will have a mailman master list, so you'll be
   able to Email mailman-request

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