At 13:06 24/06/2002 +0200, Carmen Ugarte wrote:

>I haver read and even experienced something about posting to several lists
>under Mailman. The impression is that only one list is allowed
>1) Is this true?

No. But you can run into problems with the Spam specific posting filters 
which can be adjusted on the Privacy Options page of the web admin GUI for 
each Mailman list

You might be thinking of the configurable limit 'Ceiling on acceptable 
number of recipients for a posting' restriction.

Yo can alos run into problems if list1's alias is a member of list2, which 
means the list2 doesn't appear as an explicit addressee when mail sent to 
list1 is passed to it. You can run into problems if you haven't setup an 
appropriate value in 'Alias names (regexps) which qualify as explicit to or 
cc destination' if 'Must posts have list named in destination (to, cc) 
field (or be among the acceptable alias names, specified below)?' is set to 

>2) If so, this restriction can be bypassed, customized?
>3) What happens with the message sent to a second or third list?
>Thanks in advance,
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