At 11:43 24/06/2002 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>1.  As list administrator, is there any way I can get a list of all
>subscribers emailed to me?  If not is there a way I can fiew the entire
>list at once? - Where should I have looked to find documentation on this?

Not emailed. If you've got command line access to the system, you can use 
$prefix/bin/list_members to get a list of members and 
$prefix/bin/remove_members, $prefix/bin/sync_members and 
$prefix/bin/add_members to maintain list membership. Use the -h command 
option to get the help for each of the commands in $prefix/bin

>2.  Is there any wan I can mass delete list members?

Aside from the command $prefix/bin you can use the Membership Management 
page of the web admin GUI for a list; but this will only show and let you 
change, depending on your site config, something like 30 subscribers at a 
time. You can click off the check mark under the 'subscr' column of the 
display for users you want to unsubscribe and then click the 'Submit Your 
Changes' button at the bootom of the page.

>Many thanks.

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