At 09:34 02/08/2002 -0400, David Mir wrote:

>I have a couple questions that I can't find in the documentation.
>1) how do I make s list "public"(ie shows up in listinfo page) is there an
>option or do I have to manually edit the HTML page?

First option  ('Advertise this list when people ask what lists are on this 
machine?') on Privacy Options page (third item of Configuration Options 
list at the top of web admin GUI pages) of web admin GUI for the list

>2)how do archives work? are they just monthly? can you change this? I don't
>see any configuration for archives just whether they are public or not.

See Archival Options page (seventh item of Configuration Options list at 
the top of web admin GUI pages) of the web GUI for the list. Last option 
sets archive rollover frequency.

>If these answer can be found on the web please tell me and will look there.

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