
        Im using mailman 2.0.11 with postfix on a redhat 7.3. I created a 
list called test, but when I send a message to test-request@myserver, I 
get no awnser. My error log is OK (empty....), and postfix log (maillog) 
says that the message was delivered to destination: 

        E36AB75334: to=<test-request@myserver>, relay=local, delay=1, 
status=sent ("| /home/mailman/mail/wrapper mailcmd test")

The aliases file are correct (I can see that because of the log.... it 
says status-sent("| /home/mailman/mail....... ")


What is the probleam here???. ny sigestions

        Alan Roberto Romaniuc
 Estagiario em Administracao de Redes
NIB -  Núcleo de informática Biomédica

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