>>>>> "PC" == Paul Croft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    PC> Come to the defense of the innocent and you get your name
    PC> dragged through the mud!  Thanks for the attempted support to
    PC> those that supported me!  I won't make any further comments to
    PC> those of you that trashed me ... I have replied to you in
    PC> private!

I missed the thread that got us to this point, but I really hope that
this list can be conducted in a polite and helpful manner, and I'm
sure it usually is.  I know that can be a lot to expect in today's big
bad internet, especially on a list that tries to be as open as
possible, but this list does exist primarily so that folks can get
help with their Mailman problems.

Often we forgot how much we know and how long it took to learn it.
What makes sense to us will definitely not make sense to everyone, and
newbies need our help.  Chuq likes to point out too, that no one is
obligated to help: if you're feeling burned out or frustrated, take a
break and let someone else give assistance.

I'm sorry to see anybody get dissed off this list.

diplomatical-ly y'rs,

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