Tom Whiting wrote:

> > (2) A feature that allows a user to register someone else (a friend) with
> > an Introduction ADDED to the subscription email that is sent. So I could
> > subscribe a friend and add a personal messge so they know I sent this to
> > them ...
> VERY VERY not good idea (though that's just me). If someone subscribed me to a
> list, I'd seriously be upset. Why? because it's generally rude to subscribe
> someone else to a mailing list that is (generally) just spam. Who says X
> person is interested in Y mailing list anyways?

Very, very good idea, actually. I certainly know my friends and coworkers well
enough that I wouldn't sign them up for somthing that they wouldn't enjoy or
benefit from. To join relative strangers to the list is obviously a bad idea. But
if the confirmation message included a note *from me*, whom they know, and then
offered them the chance to ignore the message and not subscribe, or to reply to be
subscribed, this would be a good process.


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