
Thanks for the link it helped.

To help anyone else that may have to problem.  Here's the steps I took
some are borrowed from the URL below:

1) tar-balled the mailman 1.x on server 'A' once it was "offline". 
2) copied/extracted it to server 'B' 
3) re-configured mailman 1.x using the new $PREFIX on server 'B'
   - make;make install (only do this if you have not modified the mailman
     code, otherwise you MIGHT overwrite some of your changes
   - this gets all the Mailman/Cgi/* using the write path and fixes, and the various
4) use withlist in a shell script to update the archive paths in each
   config.db file under lists/
   - if you follow the link below it links to examples of shell scripts
     you can use
5) NOW go to your mailman 2.x directory and do a configure with the
   $PREFIX the same as mailman 1.x you copied onto server 'B'.
   - make; make install
   - make install "should" update without a problem -- mine did

And there you have...  The one step under which I
disagreed with is recreating all the lists and then copying the config.db
back over top of the new list.  I'm not sure what was gained by that.  I
skipped that step and everything is working fine.  From what I've seen
looking through the code mailman does NOT as of 2.0.13 keep a central
database of lists, so as I said I don't see what recreating all the lists
buys you.

Hope this helps

Adam Brons           Systems Engineer / Unix Support Group
                     Office of Computing and Communications Services
                     Old Dominion University - Norfolk, Virginia. USA

DSA ID 7680A17E: 7E88 F9EC 0799 3260 49DA  DB77 0327 D32B 7680 A17E

On Thu, Aug 15, 2002 at 09:21:42AM -0700, Fong, Anna wrote:
> Subject: RE: [Mailman-Users] Moving mailman to new server and upgrading mailman
> Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2002 09:21:42 -0700
> From: "Fong, Anna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Adam,
> Try this thread:  
> Hope this helps,
> Anna
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Anna Q. Fong, Webmaster       
> California Data Exchange Center       
> > -----Original Message-----
>On Behalf Of Adam Brons
> > Sent:       Thursday, August 15, 2002 6:36 AM
> > Subject:    [Mailman-Users] Moving mailman to new server and upgrading mailman
> > 
> > I'm looking for some advice, here's the situation:
> > 
> > I have mailman 1.x installed on server 'A'.  We're upgrading mailman to
> > 2.x but we're also moving it to server 'B'.  On server 'A' the install
> > directory for mailman is /usr0/mailman.  On server 'B' the install
> > directory for mailman is going to be /usr1/mailman.  
> > 
> > Symlinking /usr0/mailman to /usr1/mailman on server 'B' is NOT an option.
> > 
> > Would it be easier to just do a fresh install of mailman 2.x on server 'B'
> > and manually migrate the lists from the old server following the steps in
> > "UPGRADING" and fixing whatever else may arise.  Or should I copy the
> > installation on server 'A' to server 'B' go through and make all the
> > changes where the path is wrong and then do a make install of mailman 2.x
> > on top of mailman 1.x?  Or is there some much easier way to do this?  
> > 
> > Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
> > 
> > -- 
> > Adam Brons           Systems Engineer / Unix Support Group
> >                      Office of Computing and Communications Services
> >                      Old Dominion University - Norfolk, Virginia. USA
> > 
> > DSA ID 7680A17E: 7E88 F9EC 0799 3260 49DA  DB77 0327 D32B 7680 A17E
> > 

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