I'm migrating from Majordomo and MHonArc to Mailman.  Is there
an easy way to convert MHonArc archives to Pipermail?  I have
found a perl script (mhn2mbox) that will convert MHonARC HTML
files back to UNIX mailbox format, but I was hoping for a more
direct approach.

Is there a web interface for searching the archives?  We are
using a perl CGI to search the existing archives.  I might be
able to hack that to work with Pipermail.

I have two lists that are currently hosted by Yahoo!Groups.  We
are tired of being bombarded by advertising and having beacons
track our activity.  I would like to host these locally using
Mailman.  One feature Mailman appears to be missing is means of
replying to a message, preferably with quoted text, using a web
interface.  Did I miss something?  Is free software available
to do this?

Phil Harbison

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