Just a minor question:

On my listinfo page it says:

Send questions or comments to <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]

How do I change that? I can't find anything in Defaults.py (and list.org seems to be down)... I don't remember if it was like this with the prior install or not. I've searched the web, to no avail.. the only thing I found was to put

MAILMAN_OWNER = 'whatever'

in mm_cfg.py .. however, even after a full stop & restart of Apache, this hasn't worked.

So just curious.. how do I change this is 2.1 final?


The original portions of this message are the copyright of the author
(c)1998-2002 Glenn E. Sieb. ICQ UIN: 300395 IRC Nick: Rainbear

"Religion is for those who do what they are told regardless of what is right.
Spirituality is for those who do what is right regardless of what
they are told." -- unattributed

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