On Saturday, January 18, 2003, at 08:45 PM, Mary Ann Horton wrote:

Are there any known cookie issues (the FAQ is silent on the subject) or suggested fixes or workarounds?
Yes. Mailman 2.0 cookies contain a :, which breaks Mailman 2.1 web auth (because it breaks Python's cookie handling).

https://sourceforge.net/tracker/ index.php?func=detail&aid=664466&group_id=103&atid=100103

The workaround is to not have Mailman 2.0 cookies with the same URI (ie /mailman) as your 2.1 lists for your host in your browser.

If you're using a sane browser (anything other than IE), you should be able to delete your cookies using your browser's cookie manager and have it work. In theory Mailman cookies (both 2.0 and 2.1) should be removed when you exit the browser as well, but I've found this may not be the case with IE - it may require a reboot, probably because IE doesn't actually exit when you close the app.

If you've moved *all* your Mailman 2.0 lists to 2.1, this should be a one-time thing - once you have the 2.0 cookies removed, they shouldn't come back. If you've only moved some of your lists and are running both in the same URI on your site, this is a huge pain in the ass.


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