On Sat, 2003-02-22 at 21:40, Steve Sterling wrote:

With Majordomo, you could pre-approve a message to the list, say
from an otherwise unsubscribed user or to a moderated list.

I tried with my mailman, but it treats the Approved: <password>
first line as normal message body. Somewhere, I remember seeing
that Mailman supports such things, but can't find any documentation
on syntax, etc.

Jon Carnes wrote:
Could this be the problem: When searching for an Approve/Approved
header, the first non-whitespace line of the body of the message is
also checked, if the body has a MIME type of text/plain.

Can your mailclient add the Approve line as a header?

I suspect the problem is due to sending the message with formatted text
(not MIME type text/plain) and *also* using the Approved line as the first line in the body of the message. If you need for non-subscribers to be able to send formatted posts from a client that won't allow adding an Approved header, you can just specify approved posters. The option
is found under Privacy Options, Sender Filters, at:


Then any message from one of the approved email addresses will be sent
on without requiring further approval.


If an email virus which uses email addresses found on a victim's
computer manages to grab one of these approved addresses and use it as
the "From" and also coincidentally grabs your mailing list submission
address and uses it as the "To", your list will accept the virus laden
email and distribute the virus to your whole list.  This coincidence is
not unlikely, since both addresses will be found together in the inbox
or address book of your subscribers.  One infected subscriber can then
infect your whole list.

(I have a friend who has a large newsletter list and who has been
repeatedly falsely accused of spreading viruses when a virus forged her list address as the "From" and then sent the virus *directly* to a list
subscriber (her subscribers also often know each other directly, thus
one subscriber who has the list address in her address book will also
have another subscriber's address in her address book too). She is
sticking with the Approved header to ensure that it will be more
difficult for a virus to manage to forge her approved address and send
to her list submission address.)

If this list is a distribution list (not a discussion list), you may want to hide the sender address, so that the automatically approved submission addresses are not disclosed to the list recepients. This is the last item under General List Personality at:



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