Two quick questions:

I just upgraded to 2.1.1 and now Archiving and Mail/News gatewaying
appear on the list config page.  I don't want provide archiving and
Mail/News gateway is confusing a folks who don't know what News is but
figure they should enable it anyway.  Is there anyway to disable these
to features?

Second, is there any way to get the monthly password reminders to come
from the list owners?  I have maybe two dozen lists, some of them
largem run by about a dozen people.  Every month the password
reminders go out and I get back about twenty message from people who
didn't read the instructions and reply back to "mailman" with some
request or another.  I then have to manually forward the requests to
the right list owner.  Assuming it can't be setup that way, and
looking at the code, it doesn't seem likely, how do other people
handle this?



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