>>>>> "DG" == Dan Gookin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

DG> At 1:57 PM -0500 4/2/03, Vivek Khera wrote:
>> Just skip that whole bit and let it install with setgid.
DG> [snip]
>> ...if you're using FreeBSD, just go ahead and use the Mailman
>> port -- that's what I do ;-)

DG> You're the man! In the README.BSD file. Wow. Glad to make your acquaintance.

DG> I did that already, but I'm still having trouble. I cannot get it to 
DG> install from the mailman-2.1.1 directory at all.

here's what I do these days on FreeBSD:

cd /usr/ports/mail/mailman
make install
make clean

then follow the final configuration steps from the Mailman install
instructions to set up your lists.  it creates the users and groups as
necessary.  worked like a charm the first time i tried it two months
ago.  upgrades work just as easily with the portupgrade utility.

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