> On Fri, 2003-04-04 at 22:00, Leonardo Sá wrote:
> > I've checked the apache configuration and it seems to be ok (otherwise, the 
> > other lists would not be working). Rebuilding the list from scratch also 
> > didn't work, and i do have 401mb ram that i think is enough for this kind of 
> > job. Only the big list is not working through the web.
> You don't say what version of Mailman you're using.  This is really
> important because I believe that 2.1 is much better than 2.0 here.  But
> in either case, Mailman has to slurp the entire list database into
> memory for each web-hit.  Yes, this sucks and the fix plan includes
> putting a real database backend on Mailman.  If you feel adventurous,
> try using the BDBMemberAdaptor from cvs.  It might be more friendly on
> memory usage due to BerkeleyDB's memory management and caching.
> -Barry
Good idea!
Where can I find info about this? Can I do it with MySQL?
BTW, my mailman is 2.1.


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