On Thu, 2003-07-10 at 11:33, Jon Carnes wrote:
> Hay Ed,
> What version of Mailman are you using?  Guessing that you are using a
> recent version, you should be able to set the Mailing host (as opposed
> to the Web host) separate within the configuration file:
>   ~mailman/Mailman/mm_cfg.py

Hi Jon,

Thanks for responding!  I'm using mailman-2.1.2-2 as shipped with RH 9
and the machine has the name "forge.lcs.mit.edu" with a CNAME of
"dev.mitgcm.org" pointing to the same IP address.  Through the Mailman
admin web interface I set the Reply-To: address as
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and in the Mailman config file I set:

  DEFAULT_URL_HOST   = 'dev.mitgcm.org'
  DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST = 'dev.mitgcm.org'

and also in sendmail.mc I used:


and made sure to run the sendmail.cf--rebuild command and restart all
daemons.  But after all that the emails from the list still arrive at my
inbox with To: and Reply-To: addresses of
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" when what I'd prefer is 
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]".  Its really just an annoyance since the
list emails seem to go to all the right places -- I just want the
different fqdn in the To: and Reply-To: headers.

So I'm stumped.  What config-file invocation am I missing?

> You would be setting up a virtual domain since the address is different
> from the default.
> The kids are calling so I've got to be running!  Good Luck - Jon

Thanks again and I hope things are going well in NC!  ;-)


Edward H. Hill III, PhD
office:  MIT Dept. of EAPS;  Room 54-1424;  77 Massachusetts Ave.
            Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
URL:     http://web.mit.edu/eh3/
phone:   617-253-0098
fax:     617-253-4464

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