On Tuesday, Jul 15, 2003, at 18:19 Canada/Mountain, Jason Buscema wrote:
Sorry for the confusion. I use Mailman for all my lists that I run. For this
specific list I use Mailman for everything except user management. This part
is handled through a MySql DB and syncs w/ Mailman each night. If I didn't
have to do HTML I wouldn't, but in this case I need to do it.

That said... Does the same hold true for a header as it does for a footer?
Thanks for the info... I don't have too much experience w/ HTML emails.

I can think of a way that might work, if you had a comment in the HTML like

<Div class="Unsublink">

Then you should be able to use a similar methodology for ADDING a footer to REPLACING that comment with the appropriate info.

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