On Thu, Aug 14, 2003 at 09:56:49AM -0400, John A. Martin wrote:
> Hmm.... That makes for IMHO an interesting question.  Since many, if
> not most MTAs can be configured to reject mail from specific envelope
> senders, usually specified as regular expressions, the question is
>         what if any envelope senders related to mailman lists (and not
>         from our local {host,net}) can be rejected by an MTA that is
>         dedicated to handling incoming mail for only the lists.
> It is advantageous to reject unwanted mail during the SMTP
> conversation rather than later.
> It should be pretty easy to cause a MTA reject all incoming mail from
> non-local relays with any envelope sender address appearing among the
> Mailman aliases.

This sounds like a good and safe thing to configure, but I'm not enough
of a sendmail expert to write those rules.  What would one look like to
allow, for example, a mail message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to only come from an
MTA in the foo.com domain?


Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA

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