>>>>> "MS" == Michael Sharp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

MS> Are you confused by my question?  If so, Mailman has to be told which MTA
MS> is is being built with, and that was done with make MAIL_GID=65535 install
MS> clean because in 'make options' postfix had a designation of 65535.

No, it does not:

[yertle]mailman% make options
===>  Build options for mailman-2.1.3:
 [[ ... ]]

* MAIL_GID [mailnull]
  The group name or id under which your MTA performs mail delivery

    Getting the value of MAIL_GID right is crucial to getting Mailman to work
    with your MTA.  By default this port works with Sendmail.  If you're
    using an alternative MTA installed from ports, you should set MAIL_GID at
    build time according to the following table.  You may use either the
    group name or the numerical GID.  (Please contact this port's maintainer
    if you wish to fill in the blanks or report mistakes!)

    MTA     | MAIL_GID       | Submitted by
    Exim3   | nobody (65534) | <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    Exim4   | mail   (6)     | <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    Postfix | mailman        | <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    Qmail   | ???            |

    NOTE: for Postfix, the group may need to be 'nobody' if you are not
    using the Mailman integration for generating the postfix virtual and
    aliases files.

 [[ ... ]]

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