
   I checked through your email, and everything
else was as you say it should be. But I mistakenly
was thinking that I make the list private on the web
by going to the "Privacy options" webpage instead of the 
"Archiving Options" page. The symlinks were indeed
removed once I set it to private.

On Saturday 18 October 2003 12:49 pm, you wrote:
> You do not say which version of MM you are running; assuming 2.0.13 or
> 2.1.x ...
> On Saturday, October 18, 2003, at 05:12  pm, Eric wrote:
> > Hi, I've got my preferences set for
> > view archives by "list members only."
> By this, do you mean you have set the list archive to 'private' using
> the web admin GUI for the list?
> if so there should NOT be symlinks in directory $prefix/archive/public/
> called <listname> and <listname.mbox> pointing to real directories in
> directory $prefix/archive/private/
> If there are, and you are sure you have set the archive to 'private'
> through the admin GUI, then delete those symlinks. You should be able
> to set the list archive to 'public' and see the symlinks created and
> then deleted when you set the archive back to 'private'.
> If that is not happening then something is going wrong. Check you error
> logs and repost to this list if you cannot spot any reason for the
> problem.
> > But, with no cookies in my browser,
> > I'm able to just go right to /pipermail/listname
> > and it's freely visible. What is wrong with
> > my configuration?
> What Alias and ScriptAlias did you set up in your Apache httpd.conf to
> support Mailman?
> The /pipermail/ Alias should be pointing to the $prefix/archive/public/
> directory.
> Your httpd.conf should not provide access to $prefix/archive/private/
> directory.
> If the above is all correct it is difficult how Apache is serving the
> pages via the /pipermail/ URI path.
> Is it possible that what you are seeing is just some artifact of the
> accesses being via some caching proxy server or indeeed via your
> browser's cache; could the pages be out of the browser cache or the
> proxy cache rather than being from the MM Apache server?
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Richard Barrett                     

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