While this is all true to some degree, don't overlook something even more obvious with regards to mailman, the web interface in trying to display that list name would actually be trying to display a page that takes a parameter. Apache / IIS would be significantly confused for sure. &'s are not valid in HTML file names as they specify a part of a parameter list on the url.

It's always a good practice to stick with a-z 0-9 _-. only in names and you'll never have any sort of issue with email servers or web servers.

just my 0.02 worth

At 03:08 PM 12/3/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>>>>> "SW" == Simon White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

SW> The & in shell has a special meaning, it would have to be "escaped",
SW> because

If you read Business Week, the "Tech & You" column has a comment email
address of tech&[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just because the unix shell does something with & doesn't mean it is
invalid for local part of email addresses.  The Mailman aliases should
protect that in any case, because it could be used as a vector for
attack, even if it does require sysadmin assistance ;-)

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