I just had a client who had set:
  QRUNNER_SLEEP_TIME = seconds(0)

This was on a 2.1.x install, and it caused a huge load on the
processors. That was the problem.  Mailman was eating up way too much

Five qrunners were running continuously whether they had files to
process or not... it was quite perplexing until I happened to look in
the mm_cfg.py file and saw that the qrunner sleep time had been set to 0

  qrunner --runner=CommandRunner:0:1 -s
  qrunner --runner=IncomingRunner:0:1 -s
  qrunner --runner=NewsRunner:0:1 -s
  qrunner --runner=OutgoingRunner:0:1 -s
  qrunner --runner=VirginRunner:0:1 -s

Changing the setting back to the default:
  QRUNNER_SLEEP_TIME = seconds(1)
resolved the problem of too high a processor load.

A cautionary tale - Jon Carnes

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