On Apr 10, 2004, at 3:19 PM, Dave C. wrote:
# better tools for the membership management page. i.e. divide chunks
  alphabetically, and add a search for member by regexp field. (Done)

While this is fantastic to have be what is displayed by detault, what seems to have been forgotten, is:

"Provide a link or button to request that the full member roster be
displayed on one page, regardless of the number of members"

At least, I cant seem to find a way to do it.

If you find a way, let me know

It might also be better to provide an option to divide the list into
chunks, but not have a seperate page for each letter/character.

Chunks of 100 would be infinitely more useful than chunks by initial letter.

2  members starting with "a"
5  members starting with "b"
10 members starting with "c"
6  members starting with "d"
12 members starting with "e"
4  members starting with "f"
6  members starting with "g"
10 ...                   "h"

Having to display each of those on a seperate page is tedious to work
with in the UI.

Instead, on the "a" page, display the 2 a's, the 5 b's, the 10 c's, the
6 d's, and the first 7 e's.

The 'e' page, would display, all 12 e's,

I would argue that. Having the same emails adispalyed on successive pages would be confusing.

Page 1: A-d
page 2: e-g
page 4: h...

wopuld be a better way to go in this regard, or else simply cut at 30 per page with no overlaps.

A vote for Nader is a vote for George Bush.

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