Quoting Franco, Ruben ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Listserv seems to have started working again after removing a couple of
> "lock" files from the "mailman/locks" directory.  Did this acutally fix
> the issue or was it coincidental?

No, that's it.  As the message said, qrunner couldn't deliver the mail
because the lock file told it that qrunner was already running.  I had
that problem after every system crash when I was running RedHat 7.x and
Mailman 1.x until I fixed the /etc/rc.d/init.d/mailman script to make sure
those lock files got properly blown away on boot.

Don't ask me exactly what I changed, it was a long time ago.

Paul Tomblin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://xcski.com/blogs/pt/
"It is a universal truth that the loss of liberty will be charged to
dangers, real or imagined, from abroad." - James Madison

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