On 6/4/2004 7:14 PM Chris Whip wrote:

Hello, mailpersons.

There is a bug in Mailman and/or Lynx regarding Hotmail/MSN rich text emails.
(My setup: Mailman 2.1.5, Lynx version 2.8.4rel.1 (RH7.2, Sendmail 8.12.10))
Replication instructions (that require only a telnet client) are included below.

The Hotmail rich text editor shows up in the Hotmail mail editing facility
for Internet Explorer/Windows users. It allows the generation of HTML mail
with fonts, paragraphs, etc. When such a mail is sent to a Mailman list
with HTML->text conversion set, such mails are sent out totally blank,
and appear blank in archives. The following appears in logs/error:

Jun 04 15:39:42 2004 (4122) HTML->text/plain error: 256

This error message appears to be generated in Mailman/Handlers/MimeDel.py.
The 256 appears to be the HTML->text conversion handler's returned error code.

The handler is defined in Defaults.py or mm_cfg.py as follows:
HTML_TO_PLAIN_TEXT_COMMAND = '/usr/bin/lynx -dump %(filename)s'

When the handler is changed to /usr/bin/links, the problem does not occur,
which points to lynx being the problem. But, if you meddle with the HTML
content of the message, the problem continues to occur. This suggests that
there is something strange about the way the message is presented to Lynx,
rather than with the message itself.

I would be interested to know if anyone else is using an alternative HTML->
email conversion program. I could change over to Links, but I'm not sure
how robust it is, either.

-- Chris Whip

I think if you search the archives you'll find a solution. Here is what I have in my mm_cfg.py file, which would have been based on someone else's solution:

HTML_TO_PLAIN_TEXT_COMMAND = 'LYNX_TEMP_SPACE=/tmp /usr/bin/lynx -force_html -dump %(filename)s'

I think the key is setting the temp space.

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