Van Van Horn wrote:

>It has come to my attention that messages with signatures from Mozilla 
>or Netscape mail clients cause digests to be displayed in grey from the 
>beginning of one such message to the end of the digest when received by 
>Gecko-powered mail clients when the MIME version of the digests is selected.

Are you sure? With Netscape 7.1 I see this only with plain text digests
and not with MIME digests. Also, I don't think it is unique to mail
from Mozilla or Netscape clients. I think you'll see it any time a
signature (or anything else) is introduced by a line containing exactly
two hyphens followed by a space and nothing else.

>Has anyone looked closely at this issue? Is there a setting that can be 
>changed? Is this a Gecko bug, or is there something that Mailman is 
>doing wrong?

It has nothing to do with Mailman per se. This is the way these mail
clients (Netscape, Mozilla, all clients using Gecko?) work. When they
see a line consisting of only "-- " in the message or in the first
part of a multipart message, they assume it's introducing a signature
and it and everything following in that part are rendered in light

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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