> At 3:44 PM +0200 2004-08-12, Anders Norrbring wrote:
> >  I've noticed a small problem... If I enter a "Welcome to the list
> message"
> >  in welcome_msg that includes international characters like our Swedish
> å ä ö
> >  Å Ä Ö then the e-mail sent to list user contains encoded characters
> like
> >  ä and å
> >
> >  Can this be prevented?
>       Your MUA is probably generating an MIME/HTML-formatted message,
> which is then probably being converted to plain text by Mailman.
> This is related to the MIME formatting issue discussed in
> <http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py?req=show&file=faq04.039.htp>.

I don't buy that really..  This is a Mailman generated e-mail, sent out when
a user joins the list in this manner;

1. Sign up on the Mailman list web page.
2. Verify their e-mail address.
3. Moderator validates.
4. Mailman sends a welcome message, and THIS e-mail is the one containing
the erroneous characters.

I guess that the problem is in the way Mailman and Apache interprets what I
enter in the welcome_msg text entry box in the Mailman Admin page, after
all, this is a web page, and hence entered characters are converted
somewhere to their html complaint sets, i.e. ä turns to &auml;

Is there some way to manually change these values? Perhaps via config_list
dump, edit and reload?


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