At 7:08 PM +0100 2004-10-21, Richard Barrett wrote:

 I have been warned by experts that NFS locking could be a problem with
 this way of working but thus far it has not proven to be a problem.

Locking is the bane of any administrator using NFS. Nick Christenson wrote a seminal paper on how to build a scalable mail system using NFS as the message store (see <>). It's hard to do the same kind of thing in an IMAP environment -- the only IMAP server I know of that uses Maildir (a storage format that is supposedly NFS-friendly) is Courier-IMAP, and it has some serious scalability issues.

        For large-scale systems, this is a real PITA.

 The only problems I have had with Linux and NFS is due to what I believe
 to be a kernel lock handling problem on Linux.

Cross-platform NFS server/client environments are usually the worst possible thing you can do. NFS appliance vendors like NetApp work very hard to make their products compatible with the broadest array of client OSes, and even they can't satisfy everyone.

In my experience, this is the single most difficult/impossible problem to solve in an NFS environment.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

    -- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), reply of the Pennsylvania
    Assembly to the Governor, November 11, 1755

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