On Fri, 2005-01-28 at 23:57 +0800, Glen Low wrote:
> I had followed the Mac OS X install instructions at  
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/mailman-users/2004-September/ 
> 039600.html which say to install the crontab under su -- is that  
> correct? should not the crontab be under the mailman user instead?

FWIW, different versions of cron and different UNIX's have different
rules on who can install cron jobs.

So this is really specific to the particular cron implementation, I'm
not a Mac OS X user, but I think what is being suggested is that you
need to be root to install the crontab, but execute the job under the
mailman user (e.g. -u mailman). In other words I think you need to be
root to add this set of cron jobs, or at least that would be my



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