great .... just what we need .... 20 lines of .signature .

On Mon, 14 Feb 2005, Brad Knowles wrote:

In response to this issue, FAQ 1.27 has been updated, and the mailman-users and mailman-developers mailing lists have likewise been modified to include suitable text at the bottom of every message, as well as on the "listinfo" page, and in the "welcome" message that is sent to all new subscribers.

        This matter is now closed.

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
Searchable Archives:

As a general rule, if you have questions regarding sensitive security issues, 
you can post them to [EMAIL PROTECTED], which is a closed distribution list.

Please do not otherwise discuss sensitive security issues on any public mailing 
list, until such time as an official announcement has been made, including 
availability of a patch, etc....

Even if the issue has been publicly discussed in other forums, you should wait for the official announcements before discussing them publicly, whether on mailman-users, mailman-developers, or elsewhere.

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