Iain Pople wrote:

>thanks for that. I had a look at the URL and maybe it has something to 
>do with my redirects. I have the following rule:
>RewriteRule     ^/$ http://%{HTTP_HOST}/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo [R]
>Which essentially redirects pages from http://lists.domain.com -> 
>Could this be causing the problem?

No, I don't think so. Many sites have a similar rule which is more
often something like

RedirectMatch ^/mailman[/]*$ http://www.example.com/mailman/listinfo

As you are aware, these only redirect requests from the tld in your
case or the tld/mailman to the site listinfo page.

Your issue, if it is caused by a redirect discarding POST data as
mentioned in FAQ 4.45 would have to be a redirect which would affect 
URLs like http://lists.domain.com/cgi-bin/mailman/admin/<listname> or
http://lists.domain.com/cgi-bin/mailman/admindb/<listname> or whatever
you're using to access these pages.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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