In the process of researching for better ways to do things with our mailman list, I came across the 'Giant Lists' thread of a few weeks ago. Realizing that our list is actually larger than the list mentioned (though not by much) and that this is probably a list I should be participating in, I decided to sign up.

I'm sorry Cabel, but I'm going to have to take away your 'largest list' title. The AdoptionWeek E-Magazine, currently run with MailMain, sendmail, and the MySQL MailmanMemberships patch ( currently serves 124,329 members. This is a one-message-per-week list with _very_ tight restrictions on who can send out, so our load is probably lower than comparable discussion lists.

The list was originally converted to Mailman about a year ago by a different admin, so I'm not too familiar with how it was initially set up. I do eventually hope to upgrade the server from Solaris an old Sun 250 to Linux on something modern, though, and when that time comes I'm sure I'll be a _very_ active member of the list.

Right now it's taking us roughly 2-3 days to send out a single message to our whole list, so if anyone has any sendmail performance tips, I'd be glad to hear them. I'm more of a postfix guy, myself, so sendmail is a whole new world for me.

Glad to be aboard!

Tyler Strickland
AdoptionMedia, L.L.C.
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