For accreditation reasons, we are setting up automated lists for the colleges of our university. Since we were using Mailman already, we set up a seperate server, and scripts automatically create/delete lists based on automated data that comes from our PeopleSoft database. These lists are set up as announcement-only lists, so only specified people are able to send email. The Dean of each college is defaulted as the owner of the list for that college, but since we put this into Beta to test it, they've been receiving unwanted notifications that pending messages are awaiting approval, although there are no messages there. Now, we've created and blown away lists several times testing this, and we're thinking maybe some spam had tried coming through during one of the incarnations of the lists, but when the lists were destroyed, that the data was destroyed as well...but Mailman doesn't see it that way, and even though there are no messages pending approval, the software is still sending daily notices that there are some out there.

These pending messages would be kept in the data directory under the mailman directory, correct? Is there any other place these messages might be kept that we're overlooking? And is there any way to tell Mailman to stop sending notifications for pending messages that don't exist? :)



George Booth iTech System Administrator
University of Southern Mississippi

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