David Abrahams wrote:

>Brad Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> At 8:57 AM -0500 2005-03-03, David Abrahams wrote:
>>>  Fantastic; this list strips enclosures.
>>      Yup.  That's intentional.
>>>  You can see the page at http://www.luannocracy.com/mailman.html
>>      It looks to me like [EMAIL PROTECTED] is not a subscriber 
>> to the list.  That would explain why there's not moderate bit for you 
>> to clear for this person.
>Our list is set up so that non-subscribers get automatically rejected
>and told they need to subscribe before posting.  Normally we never get
>a chance to manually approve (or reject) postings from

Filters are applied in an order determined by the GLOBAL_PIPELINE list
in Defaults.py or mm_cfg.py or the list's own pipeline attribute if it
has one. Moderate is not the first filter applied, thus a post from a
Moderated bember could be caught by another filter first. Likewise, a
post from a non-member can be caught by another filter first.

In the case you show, the post was held for:

Reason: Message body is too big: 94200 bytes with a limit of 75 KB

This test is applied in the Hold handler and thus takes priority over
any filters applied by later handlers.

However, both list membership and moderation are handled in the
Moderate handler which normally comes before Hold in the pipeline, so
presumably, the poster of this message is a list member and is not
moderated if this list uses the default pipline.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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