I apologize if this discussed elsewhere, I didn't find it.

My domain host (http://www.siteground.com) runs mailman 2.1.5p1. I have a
mailing list setup for my church for general news. The pastor and secretary
are authorized to post. All others are moderated.

This setup ran fine through my ISP, DSL via SBC, until SBC decided to start
blocking port 25. At that time all mail needed to be sent with their
signon/password for outgoing mail. When that happened, both the secretary
and pastor postings became moderated. I have to intervene to allow the posts
to proceed.

In talking with my domain provider about this, they suggested that I send
outgoing emails using port 2525 direct via them. While this works to allow
mail going out without SBC blocking it, mailman is still moderating all
postings. Siteground.com has tried a multitude of things (I don't know what)
but nothing seems to work.

I have browsed the email internet headers (not knowing what I'm looking for)
and nothing seems out of the ordinary to me. No mention of SBC or the funky

Is this a known problem? Is there a work around shy of dumping SBC's DSL


Ed Danley

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