Thomas Waters wrote:

>I looked through the FAQ but didn't find what I was looking for.

FAQ article 3.4 is supposed to cover this, but it may be out of date.

>I'm setting up a new OS X Tiger 10.4 Server to replace our current  
>10.3 Server, and looking for the easiest way to move all the email  
>lists.  We have about 25 lists.  I can let go of the archives- that  
>isn't a big deal.  I can export each list's member, add each list  
>manually to the new server and then import- but was hoping there was  
>an easier way.  Suggestions?

The zeroth step is to ensure Mailman is installed and working on the
new server.

Then the first step is simply to move the contents of the lists/ and
archives/ directories to the new server. Likewise the aliases for the

If the domains of the new server will be the same as the old server,
you're done.

If the domains have changed, you need to be sure that DEFAULT_URL_HOST
and DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST and any add_virtualhost() are all correct in Then run fix_url to fix the lists and

bin/arch --wipe listname

for each list with archives to rebuild the archives from the
listname.mbox/listname.mbox file so that links in the archives have
the correct url host.




bin/arch --help

for more info.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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