roy vinner 

>Mark Sapiro wrote:
>> Running this from the command line is not necessarily a valid test. The
>> wrapper (/usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman) exects to be run by the MTA
>> with the group that was configured by ./configure. This is almost
>> always not the 'mailman' group. See
>I see. So, would setting -mail-gid=postfix instead of mailman be a 
>reasonable solution to the problem? Does this setting change whether or 
>not postfix runs chrooted or not?

It would be a solution IF postfix executes the pipe to the wrapper as
group 'postfix'. As far as I know, this group can be configured in
postfix, but I don't know the exact method. I also don't know how this
is affected by running postfix chrooted.

The thing that must be true is that whatever group postfix uses to
execute the pipe to the wrapper must be the same as the
--with-mail-gid= setting given to configure.

The same is true of the group that the web server uses to execute the
cgi-bin wrappers and the --with-cgi-gid= given to configure.


Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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