Speaking of command-line utilities for mailman, this has me thinking
of a feature that I may be missing.  We have Mailman listserves with
dozens of subscribers, and while my admins use the web interface to
work with the lists, there doesn't seem to be a way (other than by
command line) to produce a list of ALL subscribers to a list.

As you know, when your list reaches a certain threshold, it begins
grouping the subscribers by letter of the alphabet.  Is there a way to
see ALL subscribers via the web admin interface?

Thanks for any help.  --michael

On 8/10/05, Steve Rifkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> But, yes, having a command-line-access to the server would be the only way for
> the site admin to have a complete set of lists (advertised and 
> non-advertised.)
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