    Thanks or the information. I'll make sure to go through process of 
submitting this patch to the community site.


Mark Sapiro wrote:

>Matt Ryanczak wrote:
>>I was asked to make the date for each message in a mailman archive be
>>visible in the index for that month. This required that I modify
>> and the template file archidxentry.html. I thought others
>>might find this useful so here are the relevant patches for the
>>mailman-2.1.6 source tree. 
>>I apologize if this is a duplication of someone else efforts, I searched
>>around and could not find a way to do this in mailman as it was or a
>>patch to do the same.
>Thanks for developing this patch. It would help for tracking and
>possible adoption into the base if you would submit it to the Mailman
>patch tracker at
>You might also add a note to the RFE at
>Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
>San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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