At 12:41 AM -0700 2005-09-21, Lloyd F. Tennison wrote:

>  Here is the text of the emails.  They are pushing the BondedSender like crazy
>  - especially since I received an email direct from BondedSender.
>   at the address I only used with this ticket to hotmail.
>  An awful lot of passing the buck and saying the same thing over and over
>  again.

        You can certainly try their SNDS system, and try to follow 
whatever guidelines they have at their postmaster website.  As far as 
that goes, it doesn't sound significantly different from what AOL 

        However, at some point it sounds to me like you will probably 
need to decide how much you want your e-mail to get through their 
filters.  If you want it badly enough, then you will probably pay to 
use their bonded sender program.  Otherwise, you may be forced to 
eliminate all hotmail users from your lists, or at least live with 
the fact that most mail from you to hotmail is going to be blocked or 

        Good luck!  If you find out anything that you think may be of 
interest to the broader mail list admin community, please let us know.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

     -- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), reply of the Pennsylvania
     Assembly to the Governor, November 11, 1755

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