> Troy Richard wrote:
>>The problem is now that I moved my mailman off the main server the
> address
>>for the test server is now www.abc.com:8112 and not www.abc.com so all
my links on the web page are pointing to www.abc.com and not
> You have to put
> DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN = 'http://%s:8112/mailman/'
> in mm_cfg.py and then run fix_url to update the existing lists. fix_url
is a withlist script. Run bin/fix_url.py stand alone for instructions.
> --
> Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers, San
Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

I'm having another problem with the above.  I had to rebuild my mailserver
and now I cannot remember how to completely set this up.

I added the DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN to the mm_cfg.py.  And ran the fix_url
script.  The problem I'm having now is some of the url are point to the
wrong url.

Here is what I have in my mm_cfg.py script.

DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST = 'nebraskaultimate.com'
DEFAULT_URL_HOST = 'www.nebraskaultimate.com:8122'
add_virtualhost('www.nebraskaultimate.com:8122', 'nebraskaultimate.com')
add_virtualhost('www.atomicxterra.com:8122', 'atomicxterra.com')
DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN = 'http://%s:8122/mailman/'

The problem is when I go to my atomicxterra list it has links to those
lists but it is using the nebraskaultimate.com URL.  I guess I can't
remember if I need to have the DEFAULT vars set.

Any help would be great.


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