Dr. Scott S. Jones wrote:
>When I posted my question to the list, I opened mutt, typed in my questions
>and hit y to send it off....I didn't send from any GUI mail client..just
>mutt, composing my message with vim. 

Then I don't know why your post had no content other than a "-- " line,
but it did have a "X-Content-Filtered-By: Mailman/MimeDel 2.1.6"
indicating that there was a non text/plain part removed.

Both the original message and the message to which I'm replying
indicate "User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.9i" and the latter message is a single
text/plain part, so I can't explain what happened with the original.

>Here's what I had posted: 
>I have Mailman version 2.1.5 on my debian 3.1 system.
>I can mail OUT to list members, but if they attempt to reply back to the
>list, or to the administrator, they (I included myself here) get an error
>message telling that the address is untraceable or unroutable, i.e., that th
>name of the list, for example [EMAIL PROTECTED] is unroutable.
>If I manually run 'adduser test59' to create a 'user' on my system with that
>name, then that error is eliminated, but I still do not get any incoming
>list email upon replies to list mailing.

There is some issue with the configuration of the incoming MTA. If you
are saying you can post to the list by mailing to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
then presumably you have something (aliases) in the MTA that can pipe
this address to Mailman, but it seems that perhaps whatever it is only
works for mail originating from the localhost and not from outside.

If you create the test59 user, then presumably the mail is delivered to
that users mailbox, but that doesn't get it to Mailman.

>Does any reference exist that tells the pathway of a message from send to
>receive and then from Reply on recipient's end back to the mailman machine
>serving this all up?

Comments at the front of Mailman/Queue/IncomingRunner.py give a rough
idea of the flow of messages through Mailman. In addition to what's
there, are the facts that a message to be sent out from Mailman is
delivered via SMTP to the outgoing MTA and then by the MTA to the
recipients. A reply back to the list is received by the incoming MTA
and piped to the mail wrapper with the appropriate action and listname
arguments. It is this last bit that apparently isn't working in your
case, at least for mail originating outside localhost.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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