
I tried a few server configurations, using VIRTUAL_HOSTS_OVERVIEW = Off 
AND without that line, but indeed Mailman treats lists created under as seperate from http://mysubdomain.ourdomain.com. It can't 
figure out from just the requested url, from which network this web 
request is coming (my local network or the rest of the world).
So that doesn't help me when I want to configure -using the 
webinterface- the lists which I host from my machine.

Fortunately for me my isp has a server which I can login to using ssh. 
And now I using that route and links (the command line text browser) 
instead of my normal browser on my local machine.
localhost -> ssh to remote.server.net -> links 

And that solution works just fine for me. Thought of sharing that with 
you lot.

On 7-okt-05, at 05:54, Mark Sapiro wrote:

> Dirk van Oosterbosch, IR labs wrote:
>> However when I want to access my server from my local network, I have
>> to go to http://10.0.0.n/ because my router would not understand
>> http://mysubdomain.ourdomain.com.
>> http://10.0.0.n/mailman/admin returns a
>> page and also http://10.0.0.n/mailman/create shows the returns the
>> right page, but all the links on those pages refer to
>> mysubdomain.ourdomain.com instead of 10.0.0.n.
>> Is there anyway I can keep these default email and url hosts and still
>> have those web interface pages respond correctly browsing them through
>> 10.0.0.n?
> You will need to modify source to make everything work.
> I am guessing you have VIRTUAL_HOSTS_OVERVIEW = Off or No in mm_cfg.py
> although you don't mention it above. This enables several things which
> will cease working if you remove this or set it On.
> Among the things which won't work are:
> http://10.0.0.n/mailman/admin and http://10.0.0.n/mailman/listinfo will
> not show any lists unless you "add_virtual_host('10.0.0.n',
> '10.0.0.n')" and then it will show those lists created in the 10.0.0.n
> domain, but these in turn will not show on the
> http://mysubdomain.ourdomain.com/mailman/admin and
> http://mysubdomain.ourdomain.com/mailman/listinfo pages.
> You also won't be able to create lists from the
> http://10.0.0.n/mailman/create page unless you
> "add_virtual_host('10.0.0.n', '10.0.0.n')" and then those list will be
> created in the 10.0.0.n domain.
> However, I think if you do remove VIRTUAL_HOSTS_OVERVIEW from
> mm_cfg.py, then the links in the admin interface will reflect the host
> domain in the invoking URL.
> Of course, if you don't have VIRTUAL_HOSTS_OVERVIEW = Off or No in
> mm_cfg.py (and haven't changed it in Defaults.py which you should
> never do), then I don't know what I'm talking about and you can ignore
> this post.

Dirk van Oosterbosch
de Wittenstraat 225
1052 AT Amsterdam
the Netherlands

W http://labs.ixopusada.com

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